ITC Kabel Demi fonts

part of ITC Kabel font family

All ITC Kabel Demi fonts you see below belongs to the well-known ITC Kabel font family. Please select the ITC Kabel Demi fonts you want to buy and download:

Preview Font name and styles   Price
download ITC Kabel Demi fontITC Kabel Demi$30,00
download ITC Kabel Demi fontITC Kabel Demi$35,00
download ITC Kabel Demi fontITC Kabel Demi$35,00

Background: Based on Linotype font class it is available with four exclusive and distinct styles. Designed and developed by Rudolf Kochl in the year 1929, it is extensively used in textual documentation in any writing domain especially in journals and magazines. It also finds its usage in documentation for websites. With its robustness and clarity it is also preferred by users in any domain of writing. With circular shaped appearance it gives the characters an elegant and classy look. This particular font can be used at any resolutions without much complexity. Some of the most commonly used font styles include Kabel Heavy, Kabel Black, Kabel Book, and Kabel Light, and so on. 'Kabel' is an exclusive copyright of Linotype GmbH which may be used and recorded in certain jurisdictions.
Designed 1929 by Rudolf Koch.

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ITC Jiggery, ITC Johann, ITC Johnston, ITC Juanita, ITC Juice, ITC Kabel, ITC Kahana, ITC Kallos, ITC Keefbats, ITC Spirit, Jackolantern Assortment