Linotype Aroma Regular fonts

part of Linotype Aroma font family

All Linotype Aroma Regular fonts you see below belongs to the well-known Linotype Aroma font family. Please select the Linotype Aroma Regular fonts you want to buy and download:

Preview Font name and styles   Price
download Linotype Aroma� Regular fontLinotype Aroma� Regular$29,00
download Linotype Aroma� Regular SC fontLinotype Aroma� Regular SC$29,00

Background: This is a very fascinating font. It belongs to the family of Linotype Aroma. This is much suitable for elaborative texts. It is very natural and decorative with special artistic elements for the founder liked to make it more lively and independent. This font was created by Bob Alonso in the year 1995. It has a decorative value blended with the essence of strong personality.
Designed 1995 by Bob Alonso.

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