URW Antiqua Bold fonts

part of URW Antiqua font family

All URW Antiqua Bold fonts you see below belongs to the well-known URW Antiqua font family. Please select the URW Antiqua Bold fonts you want to buy and download:

Background: It seems to be a typeface from a typewriter. It is very unique with several distinctive features. The Antiqua font is created by Albert Kapr in the year 1971. The font requires a careful observation as it often may mislead at the first glimpse. Albert Kapr has been able to create a unique and exceptional font by inventing the Antique typeface.
Designed 1971 by Albert Kapr .

Other fonts:
Uri Round, Urkelian, Ursula Handschrift, Urszula, URW Akropolis, URW Antiqua, URW Antique, URW Cooper, URW DIN, Valerian Handwriting, Versailles