Garth Graphic Condensed fonts

part of Garth Graphic font family

All Garth Graphic Condensed fonts you see below belongs to the well-known Garth Graphic font family. Please select the Garth Graphic Condensed fonts you want to buy and download:

Preview Font name and styles   Price
download Garth Graphic® Condensed fontGarth Graphic� Condensed$29,00
download Garth Graphic® Condensed fontGarth Graphic� Condensed$29,00

Background: Garth graphic has 16 styles. Different shapes and angles of the characters makes it a dynamic one. It can be used in plain documents or attracting headlines for newspapers or magazines. It can also be used to serve different official purposes. It was designed by Garth Graphic in 1979. Garth Graphic supports both ASCII and Hexadecimal characters.
Designed 1979 by Constance Blanchard.

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