ITC Bauhaus Heavy fonts

part of ITC Bauhaus font family

All ITC Bauhaus Heavy fonts you see below belongs to the well-known ITC Bauhaus font family. Please select the ITC Bauhaus Heavy fonts you want to buy and download:

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download ITC Bauhaus� Heavy fontITC Bauhaus� Heavy$29,00
download ITC Bauhaus� Heavy fontITC Bauhaus� Heavy$29,00

Background: ITC Bauhaus is the most common font of Bauhaus. It is a part of Linotype font family. It is available in 5 different styles. In 1975 ITC Bauhaus font was designed by Edward Benguiat and Victor Caruso based on the prototype produced by Herbert Bayer of the Dessau Bauhaus in the year of 1925. The easy geometric forms & yet strokes provide the font a fresh and distinguishing look. ITC Bauhaus is available in 5 different weights. They are demy, light, medium, bold &heavy. This typeface was designed under the International Typeface Corporation in 1975 by Edward Benguiat, and Victor Caruso. He was inspired by the typefaces of the Bauhaus design school in Dessau, Germany. Based on an alphabet designed in 1925 by Herbert Bayer in which capitals were not used. The ITC version includes capitals and a wide range of weights has been developed. For use in display typography, particularly where an air of the 1920s needs to be invoked. Cyrillic version was developed at ParaType (ParaGraph) in 1994 by Tatiana Lyskova and Elvira Slysh.
Designed 1925 by Herbert Bayer.

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