Latienne Small fonts
Background: Latienne is based on Elsner and Flake font genre with 12 exclusive styles. Designed in the year 2001, this font is more appropriate for small case alphabets. It is a trademark of Mark Jamra. A very clear and legible character gives it a proper viewable aspect under any resolution. Some of the latienne font classifications include Latienne EF Italic SC, Latienne EF Roman, Latienne EF Medium Italic Sw C, and Latienne EF Bold Italic so on. With sharp and clear edges of the fonts, it gives a unique characteristic of being compatible under any screen resolution.
Designed 1991 by Mark Jamra.
Other fonts:
Lamont, Lampion, Langer, Lango Px, Langston, Lapidary Capitals, Larabiefont, Laramie, Larchmont Family, Laredo, LargoB EF, Laricio, Lariviere, Las Perdidas, Laser, LaserDisco, Laser, Lassigue Dmato, Lasta, Latha, Latienne, Latina, Latinish, Latino, Latinum EF, Laughin, Laundry, Laura Worthington Selections, Laura, Laureatus, Lavaman, Lavishly Yours, Layal, LayarBahtera Kiamat, Laydeez Nite, Lazy Bird, Lazybones, Le Chat, Le Havre, Linotype CMC