The Mix ExtraLight fonts

part of The Mix font family

All The Mix ExtraLight fonts you see below belongs to the well-known The Mix font family. Please select the The Mix ExtraLight fonts you want to buy and download:

Background: TheMix font has a wide range of 8 weights and 6 variants. All caps have no serifs, but few lower case characters have serifs. This low-contrast font has only less differences between thick and thin strokes. TheMix font belongs to the Thesis font family. The Thesis includes TheSans (sans-serif font), TheSerif (serif font) and TheMix (a mixed font). So the Thesis font is perfect for any corporate identity.
Designed 1995 by Lucas de Groot.

Other fonts:
Tema Cantante, Temperament, Tempo, Tenko, Tension, Terminal, Terylene, TextBook Cyrillic, Thalia, That's All Folks, The Economist, The Florentine, The Mix, The Serif, The Story, Theodore, Thimble Theatre, Thingamajig, Thorndale, Thornforms, Threefortysixbarrel, Throom! Package, Thumtax, Tidbits