Throhand Italic fonts
All Throhand Italic fonts you see below belongs to the well-known Throhand font family. Please select the Throhand Italic fonts you want to buy and download:
Background: The Throhand font has been designed by David Berlow in the year 1995. Berlow has designed The family of fonts in a tight range of weights. He created The to address the issue of modern versus letterpress printing techniques with respect to 16th century type. The font follows numerous museum specimens which include the works by Garamond, Van Den Keere and unknown cutters. The font is a legal hallmark of The Font Bureau, Inc. and its respective designers.
Designed 1995 by David Berlow.
Other fonts:
Thousands, Three Arrows BB, ThreeDee, Threefortysixbarrel, Thrills, Throhand, Throom !, Throw My Hands Up in the Air, Throwupz, Toleranti, Transmogrifier