URW Antique Olive Regular fonts

part of URW Antique font family

All URW Antique Olive Regular fonts you see below belongs to the well-known URW Antique font family. Please select the URW Antique Olive Regular fonts you want to buy and download:

Preview Font name and styles   Price
download URW Antique Olive Regular fontURW Antique Olive Regular$24,00
download URW Antique Olive Regular Italic fontURW Antique Olive Regular Italic$24,00
download URW Antique Olive Regular Condensed fontURW Antique Olive Regular Condensed$24,00

Background: The first Antique Olive fonts were produced by the French type foundry Olive, in 1962-1966 and designed by poster designer Roger Excoffon (1910-1983). All Excoffon�s fonts are flamboyant, elegant and highly stylistic. They include the Banco, Mistral, an

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