New Standard Book fonts

part of New Standard font family

All New Standard Book fonts you see below belongs to the well-known New Standard font family. Please select the New Standard Book fonts you want to buy and download:

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download New Standard Book fontNew Standard Book$25,00

Background: New Standard is based on ParaType Font Family with 4 distinct styles. Some of these styles include PT New Standard, PT New Standard Italic, PT New Standard Bold, PT New Standard Bold Italic and so on. It was created by Vladimir Yefimov in the year 1996. This font type is based on the text typefaces of the late 19th and early 20th centuries of Obyknovennaya group. This typeface was widely used in Soviet Union for technical and scientific books, both for text and display. Also ideally suited to be used in corporate and short text based headlines in newspapers.
Designed 1996 by Vladimir Yefimov.

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